Adelaide Activist Skillshare 2011 – ‘Artivism’: get your creative juices flowing for change

This years activist skillshare will be held at Longwood Camp which is set in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, only 30 minutes from the Adelaide CBD.
The event will run from 5pm, 2nd September (Friday) until 4pm, 4th September (Sunday).
The skillshare will offer interactive workshops and seminars including campaign strategy, Non-Violence Direct Action, creative activism, media engagement, power analysis, knowing your legal and activist rights, sustainable activism, practical artivism, team building activities, exclusive film screenings of incredible documentaries, guided night bush walks, a camp fire to keep you warm at night and of course an incredible mix of amazing people to learn and grow with (see program for more information).
The skillshare is open to anyone and everyone, so if you’re interested or just curious, head to for more information.
The event is being organised by:

Also being supported by: