The David and Goliath tale of Civil Society and Big Coal in the Land of Plutocratic Turbo-Capitalism

The David and Goliath tale of Civil Society and Big Coal in the Land of Plutocratic Turbo-Capitalism

By Chris P.

If there was one take-home memo from #occupy it was that ‘representative democracy’ in the United States, indeed of much of the world, is no longer representative, nor democratic, if ever it was. The idea that “representative” democracyis capable of delivering an equal say to equal people has become a farce so blatant it’s a real surprise more aren’t calling the omnipresent political spade that which it actually is by definition: a representative Plutocracy.

plutocracy |pluːˈtɒkrəsi|
noun ( pl. plutocracies ) [ mass noun ]
government by the wealthy.
• [ count noun ] a state or society governed by the wealthy.
• [ count noun ] an elite or ruling class whose power derives from their wealth.

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People's Blockade of the World's Biggest Coal Port

On the 1st April, 2012, hundreds of people will peacefully occupy Newcastle harbour and prevent the passage of coal ships. This will be the seventh action of its kind in Newcastle. In previous years we have successfully stopped all ship movements in the harbour for the entire day.

Organise to come with a group of friends, or send an email to the SEAN e-list ( to network with people travelling similar routes to you. It’s about 10 minutes walk from Newcastle Station.

There’ll be plenty happening on the shore too, so please come along and show your support. Some kayaks will be available to borrow, but please BYO kayak or creative floating vessel if you can! Good food will be available by donation.

Feel free to appropriate the text into another flyer.