Hello friends, co-conspirators, companions, and people everywhere,
As activists we all need mad skills to rock the shaky foundations of oppression and destruction. The West Australian Student Environment Network (WASEN) has been involved in skilling up the activist community, students, youngsters and older cats alike, in WA for a while now.
Join us in May for our latest foray into the depths of radical activist education because we are all educators and we are all learning. This, on the surface is a series of 7 workshops, over 4 consecutive weekends. However dig a little deeper and you will find that it is part of a lifelong exploration into how we learn, how we learn to learn and how we learn to educate.
Topics include Scamming the System that Scams you, Direct Action, Bike Maintenance, Climate Change for Activists, Sustainable Activism and Collective Organising. The venue changes every week so that we will be close to you some time! See the flyer attached email...