Saturday March 13 – Monday March 15 Australian National University, Canberra

You’re invited to the 2010 Climate Action Summit, the only national meeting of the grassroots movement for a safe climate.

The Summit will provide much needed space to work out how we move forward in the year of a federal election after Copenhagen. Plenary speakers include David Karoly, Christine Milne, and Walden Bello, and there is a strong focus on alliance building and tactics to build the movement.

The full program is available for download from

With the climate summit this year we’re aiming to build on the work of last year, and have developed campaign streams, a network stream as well as issues and skills workshops.

The campaign stream are: 100% renewables, coal campaigning, vote climate, climate emergency, green jobs and building alliances with trade unions. There is also a full range of issues and skills workshops on topics as diverse as forests, transport, climate justice, alternatives to the CPRS, population, media, dealing with sceptics, lobbying and communicating on climate change.

Who should come to the Summit?
– Members of climate action groups, whether actively involved in organising or just wanting to learn more about the issue and meet like minded people
– anyone interested in or active on climate change

Please register through the Climate Summit website, at year we are asking participants for a registration payment to cover the costs of organising the summit. Registration will cost $10-15 per person day for unwaged individuals and $25-30 per person per day for waged individuals.

Applications for exemptions can be made by emailing

For more information please contact Ellen Roberts on 0408 583 694.