– We discussed the objectives and tactics that arose from the ASEN training camp and the People’s Climate Action Summit in January

– People were most excited to work on the objective to permanently stop or prevent the opening of a piece of coal infrastructure, new or existing, by 2010.

– People wanted to work on climate projects coming out of SEAN to contribute to this objective

– The projects people were most were excited to work on to contribute to this objective were:

1) banks and financial institutions stuff- looking at how banks and financial institutions support polluting projects eg new coal mines, and how to we stop the flow of capital? This was not discussed on the weekend but research is underway, exciting! Contact scarlet- scarlet.wilcock@gmail.com 2) Building alliances- with Traditional Owners, workers and community in coal affected communities. To achieve this a listening tour/s were proposed. Contact points for this working group- Clare Silcock z3255556@student.unsw.edu.au, Gemma Romuld- gemromuld@gmail.com

Click on the heading for the rest of it!
3) Climate camp in September. Climate camp was a tactic identified as a priority by the People’s Climate Action Summit, so the role for people in SEAN interested in making Climate Camp happen could be as participating in a climate camp organising collective with people from the summit and other groups, and possibly a role in mobilising students to climate camp. First phone link up about climate camp is being organised as we speak! Contact point: Laura lalalaura@gmail.com, 0423740106

4) Researching a target. Which piece or coal infrastructure, new or existing, should we target? Contact point: Ann-Marie amrohlfs@gmail.com

– We discussed organisation, communication, decision-making , funding for the SEAN climate working group. Out of this discussion we decided:

1) to have monthly working bees on the third Sunday of every month, with phone-link-ups for communicating with other places (eg, Sydney and canberra) and for decision-making
2) to have an overall climate facilitator/convenor or two who would organize in NSW and ACT and talk to other states
3) To use the SEAN list and ASEN climate list to communicate about SEAN climate stuff, revising this decision if necessary at the SEAN gig.
4) to apply for some funding to get the campaign going, shopping a proposal ’round to some known high donors eg of greenpeace, and some foundations. More info to come on this.

The next meeting of the SEAN Climate working group / collective will be a working bee on Sunday 15th March, 11am at the SEAN Space in Erskineville (19 Eve St), and also in Canberra! Woot for ACT kids. More details on Canberra location to come. For this working bee think about: What could we call this coal campaign? What resources will you/ your collective/ your working group need to move the campaign along? An agenda for the meeting part of the working bee will be coming closer to the date.

Cheers everyone,
