SEAN Second Sundays Meet-ups & Working Bees

Some people in the SEAN network have been talking about Sunday meet-ups and working bees at the SEAN space in Erskineville in Sydney and what they could be. What we envisioned was a set day every month (the second sunday) in which everyone interested can get together and see the community that we are a part of. The goings-on would consist of broadly three things:

1. Report backs- on what people have been doing, recent news and events, help they might need.

2. Discussions- on politics, our strategies, what we think about stuff, whatever we want to talk about. We wanted to develop a culture of discussion around radical ideas, as this has been very much lacking in the past. The theme for the next discussion is ‘Green Capitalism and Alternatives’ and the readings are available at and

3. Working- making use of the space, the phone, the internet, the shared energy, and getting some stuff done

Putting these thoughts to the network is how we wanted to share this idea, and invite everyone to come to this space and use it. We pay for the rent and the phone so that it is there for all, no matter how involved you are in SEAN.
We recognise that this is really only convenient for people living in Sydney, and there are heaps of SEAN activists living all over NSW and the ACT. So an idea was to organise a phone link up at a certain time on a sunday, to talk with people in other places. Also, we would love to hear ideas on how to better include regional campuses.
The next working bee is on the 10th of May.


We also wanted people to make use of the SEAN space on Fridays. There are usually people there from around 11-4pm. We thought this could be a fun, informal way of both practical work on projects, as well as building relationships and allowing the exchange of ideas between people from different campuses and collectives.

Go here for the directions etc to the space